วันศุกร์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What is the absolute dorkiest fashion trend in the entire history of mankind?

I think history will prove that it is "sagging" (AKA "housing"). Sagging is a fad that is considered passé by teens now. It reached its peak around 2003. Sagging is wearing trousers, shorts, or jeans below the waist, hanging around the butt area, with the underwear showing. Practiced mostly by young urban males. Closely associated with rap music and gang culture, and has its origins in the prohibition of belts among prison inmates. Also common among skateboarders (or punk fashion style). Initially worn by Southern California gang members, it became a national phenomenon when gangsta rap artists from LA became popular in the early 90s.

I would have to agree with you. I can't tell you how many businesses I've walked out of because I didn't want my daughter to have to look at boy's underwear. Many of my friends have done the same. I was going to say leg warmers in the 80's, but I've never walked out on a place of business because it's employees wore leg warmers. 80)

The dorkiest fashion? The strange popularity of polyester boxers, considering their health risks and pointless use without even providing support. You may as well wear nothing at all. In my opinion, they're pretty dorky/nerdy. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20071008093217AA52DBk&kid=AqJTWXHdB1Ml5f.658sW&s=comm&date=2008-09-14+19%3A00%3A00&.crumb=

k u must be like an old dude cuz it its still hot 4 guys 2 wear their pants like that. All guys do that it looks so hot!! and gangster lol.

the worst fashion tend is emo.

i doubt that it reached it's peak in 2003, because it is 2007 and it seems like even the toddlers are wearing their pants like that now!

I don't know if I necessarily agree with the "history will prove" comment but I would agree that "saggin" IS dumb.

Also - "punks" in the sense of punk music, don't wear "saggin" clothes, also a number of skaters don't either (gets in the way of tricks) they wear skinny jeans or straight legged jeans.

I think a trend that is even dumber then "saggin" jeans is stereotyping.

I would have to say, these days its the EMO look... well, let me clarify... guys wearing girls skinny jeans.... God awful! and I think the "M.C. Hammer pants", they were BAD!

I completely agree. Where I live, in Dallas, they're trying to make sagging illegal. You'll get a ticket.

lol :D

Legg warmers ALA 80's GAAAGGHH!


There are no real great health benefits tied to them, no matter how comfortable they are. Crocs are chunky, ugly and make you look shorter and heavier than you are. Why would anyone want to spend $30 on a pair of shoes covered in holes? I just don't get it.

I think it's shoulder pads for women. What was the significance? Why the hell did women of the 80's want to look like Muscle Man Randy Savage? Shoulder pads! Destroy decent thrift store finds for over 15 years! Damn you Melanie Griffin in Working Girl, Damn you!

While the "sagging" trousers are definately one of the stupidest trends I've seen in my lifetime (especially amongst skaters... since doesn't that make it HARDER to skate?)

But have you SEEN some of the fashion trends that came out of the 1970's?? ...collars & lapels on shirts that could've doubled as aircraft wings... bell-bottom trousers that were so big you could house a family of midgets underneath them!

It's probably not the "dorkiest" ... there've been quite a few trends in the world which did REAL physical harm to people like foot binding, neck / earlobe / tongue stretching, celts painting themselves with woad (which was a narcatic) - and don't get me started on the whole piercing their faces with wood shards, people putting burning weeds and embers and inhaling the smoke, cocaine, casual intravenous drug use, and anorexic fashion models.

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm iidk

i think its the wide leg jeans or the bell-bottom pants.

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